Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gall Stones Detox Diet

Introduction to Gall Stones...
Credit to Scott Malin

The gall bladder is a small organ located directly under the liver. It acts as a bile reservoir; it concentrates bile which is secreted by the liver and is used by the body to digest fats. If the liver is overloaded with toxins and saturated fats, the bile (which carries toxins and fats) will eventually inflame the gall bladder. When enough cholesterol deposits (from saturatedfats) have formed, they crystallize with the bile to form Gall Stones. If the gall bladder becomes inflamed, it causes severe pain in the upper right abdomen. This is accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting. This condition must be treated immediately as it can be life threatening.

According to the peer reviewed medical journal Medical Hypotheses, the key to correcting Gall Stones is to stopoverloading the liver with toxins and saturated fats. Remember, cholesterol deposits from saturated fats cause Gall Stones, so avoiding saturated fats in your diet is the key. Saturated fats do not exist in the vegetable kingdom. They are only available in meat and dairy foods. Therefore, "vegetarian diets offer protection against Gall Stones." Medical Hypotheses, 40(2),February 1993, p. 81-84

The Gall Stones Detox Diet

The key to flushing and protecting against Gall Stones is in your diet. Since your diet causes Gall Stones, changing it will have a very dramatic effect. Most people notice a significant reduction in pain within 2-3 days of starting the Detox Diet.

The first step is to drink the Gall Stones flush drink in the morning.

The gallstone flush consists of
-8 oz. Apple juice (ordilute with water)
-3-6 cloves of raw organic garlic
-1-2 inches of raw organic ginger root

mix well in blender. This drink may help dissolve and flush Gall Stones.

Eat a well balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds. This low saturated fat, high fiber diet is a must for flushing and protecting against Gall Stones. Flaxseed oil is needed for repair and prevention of Gall Stones as it contains essential fatty acids.

What's NOT in the Detox Diet...

All Animal Foods: dairy foods (milk, cheese, butter, cream, icecream), fish, meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fried and greasyfoods, margarine, and all other processed foods and animal derived products from your diet. These foods are laced with chemicals, pesticides, and toxins as well as high levels of saturated fats which cause Gall Stones and inflammation.

5 Vital Foods for Effective Detox

Effective Liver Detox with 5 Vital Foods
Credit to Sandy Halliday

Detoxification or Detox for short is one of the liver's most important functions. Your liver has to break down and safely eliminate everyday substances the body produces such as hormones and metabolic waste products as well the more obvious chemical toxins that you consume through our food and water.

It relies on two complicated phases involving enzyme reactions to break down toxins and render them safe for excretion via the bile in the form of feces or into the urine produced by the kidneys.

Research has shown that specific foods and nutrients have an inhibiting effect or enhancing effect on these detoxification enzyme systems. Plenty of these foods should be used for the most effective liver detoxification diet. These same foods and nutrients can even be used to treat some common toxicity and immune system disorders.

There are two detox pathways known as Phase I and Phase II. Diet can help regulate and balance their activity for more effective and safe detoxification.
For example if Phase I is working well but Phase II is slow the toxins processed by Phase I can build up causing damage while waiting to be dealt with by Phase II.

Many of these intermediate toxins may be more dangerous than the original substance and can have adverse effects on the glandular system, the immune system, and the nervous system causing health problems.

Some of the substances that cause increase in Phase I without the equivalent increase in Phase II are pesticides, cigarettesmoke, exhaust and paint fumes, burnt or bar-b-que food, alcohol, intestinal toxins and certain medications.

Top Foods to Support Liver Detoxification
1) Cruciferous vegetables
Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, rutabaga(swede), broccoli, broccoli sprouts, mustard greens, turnips,radish, cauliflower, kohlrabi, collard greens, daikon.
They contain potent phytochemicals and antioxidants that support Phase II activity. They help the liver convert chemicals that could be cancer causing into something far less toxic that can safely be excreted.
Broccoli sprout extracts inhibit Phase I but stimulate Phase II. This is beneficial for people exposed to a high level of toxins from paint fumes, cigarette smoke, pesticides and alcohol.

2) Sulfur foods
Fish, meat, eggs, onions, garlic, turnips,radishes, celery, kale, string beans
These foods are beneficial for Phase II which uses sulphur forits sulfation pathway.

3) Fresh fruit and vegetables
Eating your 5 or preferably more portions a day helps supply the amino acid glutathione needed for Phase II. If you are exposed to a high level of toxins the neating glutathione rich foods is essential. Commercially prepared foods contain very little glutathione. Frozenvegetables seem to retain their glutathione content.
Especially rich in glutathione are cabbage, broccoli, Brusselssprouts, asparagus, avocado, dill and caraway seeds.
Fruit and vegetables are high in antioxidants which help protect the liver from free radical damage caused by toxins. Organically grown are best.
Grapefruit and its juice is an exception. It contains a substance, naringenin, which if regularly consumed inhibits Phase I detoxification. Drugs and toxins can stay in the body longer before detoxification causing damage. So if you are taking drugs or are exposed to a high level of toxins don't eat grapefruit or drink the juice.

4) High quality protein
Meat, fish and eggs supply the aminoacids needed for the conjugation pathways of Phase II.
It is important to eat organically produced or free range meatand eggs to avoid further toxins stored in the fats ofintensively reared produce. Fish is best from deep clean watersor organically farmed.

5) Essential fatty acids
Many diets are sadly lacking in the beneficial fats that are vital for Phase I detox. Avoid all hydrogenated fats found in many commercially produced and processed foods and meals, and heated fats which can damage them.
Eat fresh nuts and seeds and their unheated cold pressed oils. Oily fish may be contaminated with mercury and other pollutants so it is debatable if they should now be included.

No matter how good your diet or how clean your environment you will always be exposed to toxins. Strengthening detoxification pathways through specific foods will help you stay well or improve existing conditions. Its worth it!

What Every Woman Needs!

What Every Woman Needs!

Credit to Carry Jamie

As a woman, your body is very complex. Throughout every phase of your life you will require extra care and nutritional support.

Today's scientific advances support a number of natural choices for women, like soy. Still, the fact remains that calcium, folic acid and iron continue to be the most important nutrients that can impact a woman's total health. All women should take a daily multiple vitamins with these essential nutrients.

Calcium is essential to strong healthy bones.
As a woman you have a much greater risk of developing osteoporosis because you have less bone tissue and lose bonemore rapidly than men do. Be sure to consume adequate calcium throughout life, as this may reduce your risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Calcium is essential to the health of bones,teeth and skin, yet few adults get enough of it in their diets. Make sure you find a high quality calcium supplement to ensure you receive a health-enhancing daily allowance.

Folic acid impacts women in many ways.
It plays an important role during rapid fetal growth and development. In fact, adequate in take of folic acid as part of a healthy diet before and in early pregnancy may reduce the risk of having a baby with a birth defect of the brain or spinalcord. All women of child bearing age are recommended to consume 400 mcg of folic acid everyday starting at least one month before conception into the early weeks of pregnancy.

Feel as if it is done, by consciously claiming yourself to be, now, that you desire to be. Be a witness and see the happy end of your desire by consciously feeling your self expressing and possessing what you desire.

The picture will get you through the interval of time that it takes for the picture to unfold.

What is the natural time line for the state you wish to be, not the anxious conditioned response of instant gratification of yesterday. Wrong consumption of substances that other people may claim that these things can help in detoxification can impact the overallprocess.

Detox methods include dietary changes, fasting, supplements, exercise, yoga/meditation, improving the environment (using CFC-free hairsprays, for example), New Age methods include aromatherapy, salt bath, skin brushing, etc.

Cancer rates and cardiovascular disease in the United States alone are among the highest in the world as a result oftechnology interfering with our food supply and livingenvironments.

Alcoholism treatment and addiction treatment may need medically supervised detoxification to avoid possiblelife-threatening withdrawal symptoms such as seizures and convulsion. Once they are stabilized, they need help resolving psychological issues associated with their problem drinking.

Folic acid also plays a role in the maintenance of normal homocysteine levels; elevated levels of homocysteine are believed to be a risk factor of heart health.

Iron is a vital nutrient that plays an essential role
in forming healthy red blood cells and transporting oxygen. It's estimated that as many as 62% of women over the age of 20 are not meeting the RDA for iron. Women also tend to be low in iron because they tend to eat foods low in iron and lose iron through menstruation.

Drinking a glass of orange juice with your cereal can boost iron absorption by the body. Vitamin C helps the body metabolize the iron. A high quality Vitamin C supplement rich in antioxidants to help fight the harmful effects of free radicals is a wonderful supplement not only to assist iron absorption, but also to combat ageing.

Vitamin C is coveted for its many benefits, including a contribution to healthy bones, teeth, blood vessels and the production of collagen.

In addition to taking a daily multiple vitamin, routine exams are key to prevention and healthy living. You should have a yearly gynecological exam that includes a pelvic exam, breast exam and PAP test. Also, consider performing monthly self-breast exams to familiarize yourself with how your breasts normally look and feel. If you are over 40, you should have a mammogram every year.

Going cold turkey from barbiturates can be very serious and might lead to seizures that could become deadly. Alcoholics that stop drinking suddenly can cause delirium tremens, which is a type of psychosis. Diseases, such as cancer, now have an environment in which to form. When these body toxins are removed, your body can then restore a healthy balance.

It is always safer just to replace any old fillings with new ones which are guaranteed to contain no heavy metals.

I feel the effects are psychological more than physiological. If you feel good after a good long soak in the bath, then you'll probably be more relaxed, less stressed out, get better sleep, and generally have better health. Research has shown that addiction is treatable. Drug Detox today and pass your drugtest!

These things make use of chemicals to preserve foods, that, in turn, build up in the body creating more toxins.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

7 Days DIET Program

Lossing your excess weight in 7 Days credit to the author: Dr. Alan Jenks

Below is the model diet program, which is perfect for maintaining the ideal weight by losing the excess weight, storedin the body. By following this diet plan rapid weight loss ispossible.

Day One
This being the first day of the diet program that you are going to follow;

  • you need to prepare the body system for the detox.
  • Consume only fresh fruit on day one.
    The fruit consumed will provide all the required nutrition. Fruits are nature's gift. They are well balanced as far as nutritive requirement are concerned. A high consumption of fruit was very common thousands of years ago. Fruit is the best for rapid weight loss.
  • Try to consume 9-10 servings for the day. You will probably be hungry, but dig deep.

Day two

  • In the morning you need to consume carbohydrate rich foods that are mixed with oil. This could be whole grain oatmeal with flaxsee or oil sprinkled on top. This is for the energy and balance requirement.
  • Only vegetables should be consumed for the rest of the day. Vegetables are energy free but rich in fiber and other nutrients. Vegetables are very good source of minerals and vitamins.

Day three

  • You can consume fruits and vegetables on day three. It is better to avoid potatoes as the required energy can be received from fruits.
  • On day three your system will start burning the excess calories stored. You may have a craving for regular food. You should try to control your craving which is essential for rapid weight loss.
  • The craving will start reducing from day four. Find something else to focus on and persevere.

Day four

  • You are allowed to consume rice or soymilk, bananas and soup. The bananas are very important as they replenish the potassium you might have lost already. The bananas are also good source of sodium.
  • You are sure to feel reduced appetite and reduced craving for sweets. Once the appetite is reduced rapid weightloss can be achieved without any fuss.

Day five

  • You can breathe easy on day five as you are allowed to eat potatoes and beans. The beans will provide protein and iron that is required. The potatoes are for energy and fiber. The potatoes also help in digestion.
  • You will be surprised to note colorless urine on day five. This is the indication that your body is purified.

Day six

  • You should consume vegetables and beans. The vegetables you know that it provides vitamins and fiber. The minerals and protein requirement is catered by beans.
  • By day six your system is perfectly ready for weight loss. You could see noticeable difference in look and weight when compared to day one.

Day seven

  • You can go for your normal foods. You are allowed to consume the food you like but the quantity must be minimal and the frequency can be increased.
  • From here on weight loss is just easy, as you have tuned your body to weight loss mode. The best result is to consume fruits, vegetables and beans everyday.
  • Stay away from cow's milk, too much wheat, and too much corn.

You can be assured if you follow the diet plan mentioned rapid weight loss is a possibility.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Which Diet is Right?

How do you know 'Which DIET is RIGHT?'

A Diet is really the food that you consume on daily basis. But one should know which diet or food is right for maintaining the ideal weight or losing the excess weight in order to stay fit and healthy. Being overweight and obese is highly harmful asthey pave the way for numerous health problems.

It is needless to mention that the major reason for peoplegetting hypertension, heart attacks, stroke and diabetes at ayoung age is excess weight. Rapid weight loss is of importance for obese people because the longer the weight stays on the moreproblems arise.

The diet that provides all the required nutrients, does not have anything in excess, does not result in overweight, and keeps you a gile all through the day is a diet full of fruits and vegetables. The diet can be a single food item or mixture of food items.

by: Dr. Alan Jenks
(Continue in next article with 7 Days Diet Program by Dr. Alan Jenks)